Soldiers are not the only thing needed on the field of war. You also need scouts, mechanics and, most importantly, field medics. In the Transformers franchise, this role is played by Ratchet. While he mainly stays constant from series to series, with primarily white and red colors and turning into an ambulance, the movie version of Ratchet turns into a light green search and rescue vehicle. Despite the change in appearance his function as chief Autobot medic has been kept in tact across multiple universes. So does this deluxe version of movie Ratchet do the character's justice?
Vehicle Mode:
Ratchet's transformation is surprisingly involved in the beginning, but mellows out towards the end. Starting out you have to do things such as "breaking" the side doors and panels and rotating the midsection of the hood 180 degrees to reveal the head. Afterwards, though, is very straight forward and simple to figure out. This is the type of transformation design I love. It's innovative and interesting while not being too frustrating or annoying. In the end you'll have yourself a pretty spot-on looking Ratchet.
Robot Mode:
Ratchet's MechTech weapon is a Cybertronian tommy gun-like weapon. It's very wide, with an ammo drum taking up most of its dimensions. If there's one thing you can't say, it's that this isn't a unique-looking weapon. It's only really problem is it's strange shape, but you quickly get used to it after seeing what its second mode is. Pulling the lever on the top of the gun will deploy a spinning saw blade, Ratchet's signature melee weapon! Even cooler is that the blade has a gear piece on it's connection point to go along with the piece inside, so when you deploy the blade it comes out spinning. This is definitely one of the best MechTech accessories in the line so far.
The verdict on Ratchet comes down to one thing; are you a scale whore or are you not a scale whore? Ratchet is considered one of the best movie deluxes to date for numerous reasons, but his height can be a total turn-off if you'd rather keep your movie cast at roughly the same scale. As someone who tries to keep scale prominent in his movie collection, the quality of this toy made me turn my head at it just this once. If size is not an issue then you have no excuse not to pick this marvelous medic up.
Ok, so that's been 3 Autobots in a row. To be honest, I'm getting sick of this goody-goody crap. Time to pull a 180 and focus on some of the bad bots of DotM....
this is a grean blog, i am spanish